FCC/WPVC 100.5 FM Underwriting Regulations and Policies
Due to FCC regulations of non-commercial airwaves, there are several rules we must abide by in any underwriting announcement. The following is a brief description of what can and cannot be used.
Legal or trade name must be stated to identify the underwriter.Any or all of the following may be used in acknowledgment copy:
- Telephone number, email address, website and location of business or area served
- Days of operation
- A listing of up to three products or services
- Product origin ("French wine")
- Intended use of product ("childrens clothing")
- Product content ("wool suits")
- Form of delivery, or method of preparation ("Delivered by rickshaw" or "cooked with bottled water")
None of the following may be used in acknowledgment copy
- Qualitative language (wonderful; homemade)
- Comparative language (better; most)
- "Calls to action" (call today, come by)
- Location of business using another business as a reference (located next door to...)
Corporate non-promotional slogans may be used in underwriting acknowledgments if they are in well-established use by the business and the wording stays within the spirit of these guidelines and the FCC regulations.
All underwriting copy, including corporate slogans, is subject to the approval of the General Manager of WPVC 100.5 FM.
Underwriting provides support for current programs at WPVC 100.5 FM. Financial support does not in any way imply that sponsors may influence program content or programming decisions
We need your help to provide this valuable resource to the Jackson Tn community. You would be building a network of community-oriented individuals and groups while supporting volunteer-powered radio that is accountable to nobody but you, our local audience. This is sorely needed in an age of profit-driven media that lacks genuine connection with everyday listeners.
To ensure that WPVC 100.5 FM The Truth remains a sustainable resource, we need your financial help.
WPVC 100.5 FM The Truth is offering underwriting opportunities to local businesses. Underwriting is where a for-profit business can financially support our station and receive on-air acknowledgements for your support. The included underwriter rate card outlines our packages. You can underwrite WPVC 100.5 FM The Truth for only a few dollars a day and in return we will schedule pre-recorded underwriter acknowledgements that will play during peak listening times.
We have a special underwriting offer with a limited availability.
This offer is to underwrite all of the music we play on a daily basis. To play licensed music, we need to have licensing agreements with various organizations including BMI, ASCAP, and SoundExchange. To help pay for licensing, we have 4 opportunities at $1,500 a year. We will acknowledge your support by mentioning that all music is underwritten by those that took advantage of this offer. Our schedule includes many hours of News, Talk, Soul and R&B music that are assigned to a specific shows..
WPVC 100.5 FM offers Live Music Calendar underwriting packages to artists, concert and event promoters, and venues.
The listings can include the business name, artists, up to three, official event name, date, time, venue and city.
The listings are included on the calendar for 6-day intervals, which are read a minimum of four times per weekday, Monday – Friday, and on Saturdays between 8 am – 12 am. The Live Calendar listings alternate in order to adhere to airtime limits.
Rate schedules are available for for-profit and non-profit organizations. Please submit requests at least one week prior to the desired air date. Contracts must be signed and returned before air date.
The following are some of our ongoing operating expenses:
- Promotion to both attract listeners and program hosts.
- Equipment and training materials to loan to show hosts who can’t afford their own.
- Purchase of equipment for remote recording and broadcast of community events.
- Operating costs like music licensing, hosting, website costs, and insurance.
- Studio space, utilities and broadcast equipment.
Why does underwriting benefit you?
Although you may already advertise using traditional methods including on the radio, underwriting has a different impact. We believe listeners see your support of WPVC 100.5 FM The Truth less as an advertisement and more of support for a locally-run and locally-focused community radio station. An advantage with underwriting WPVC 100.5 FM The Truth is that unlike major media outlets, you will not be competing with major national corporations to get exposure. Our focus is on our community. Your support also displays your active participation in your community. Everyone involved in WPVC 100.5 FM The Truth are volunteers that live in your neighborhood. Unlike single-format traditional media, our station has a diverse set of programming which will mean a more diverse set of audience at various times of the day. The more hours your message is played the more diverse audience you can reach.
What is Underwriting?
MAY NOT contain: Comparative or qualitative language (friendly, largest, oldest, etc.);
Underwriting Announcements
Enhanced Underwriting Announcements on
100.5 The Truth are recorded by 100.5 The Truth production staff.
Underwriter announcements that are not recorded by 100.5 The Truth are not accepted.
Announcements may include information which identifies, but does not promote, the underwriter including:
- the name of the underwriter
- the underwriter's products and/or services
- the underwriter's corporate slogan (as long as it is not a promotional statement, like "Get Met, It Pays")
• the location of the underwriter's business
- the underwriter's telephone number
- the underwriter's web address
Enhanced Underwriting Announcements on
100.5 The Truth may not:
- be a commercial
- include a call to action
Today's programming is brought to you by The Jackson Theater, featuring The Lewis Rollings on January 6, with the Parkway lead guitarist's Soul instrumental trio performing lyric, experimental, and R&B music.
More information is available at 731-999-1111 or jacksontn.com.
Support for this program is provided in part by Sunshine Breads. Sunshine serves grilled breakfast sandwiches every morning and soups, salads and Turkey sandwiches all day long. Bread baked fresh every day. Bakefresh.com
WPVC is supported by the Big hands helping Little Hearts Foundation, located at 123 Parkview St Jackson Tn. locally owned and operated food businesses under one roof, including seafood and meat, wine, cheese, baked goods, and more. The Parkview Street Market is in the purple building at
123 Parkview Street.
100.5 The Truth WPVC
In addition to these legal requirements, underwriting announcements must be in keeping with the noncommercial nature of our station. To maintain the consistency of our sound, all messages are written by station personnel, and are live reads or are prerecorded by a single station voice without a music bed. Individual underwriting announcements may not be more than 20 seconds in length. Congress requires limiting the number of underwriting announcements that can be scheduled per hour to ensure the airwaves do not sound cluttered. How to best meet that requirement is left to station management
Underwriters and Programming:
Sponsors have no control, rights of ownership or privileges related to the content of underwritten programs or the general operation or programming of WPVC 100.5 Fm The Truth . Sponsors may not support or reject individual program components. Concurrently, sponsors shall have no liability for WPVC 100.5 Fm The Truth programming beyond the terms agreed upon within their signed Underwriting/Contribution Agreements. Underwriting Revenues All underwriting revenues will be consolidated into WPVC 100.5 Fm The Truth general budget, and not credited to any specific program, activity, or event, to prevent influence by underwriters on station policy, programming, or practice. Potential sponsors will receive a copy of these underwriting guidelines in WPVC 100.5 Fm The Truth information packet for underwriters. All sponsors must agree that their support of WPVC 100.5 Fm The Truth , regardless of level or
duration, does not confer upon them any rights to influence station policy, program selection, or content, either directly or indirectly. The sponsor’s signature or that of the sponsor’s representative on the Underwriting Contract will indicate acceptance of this policy.
Payment Guidelines:
WPVC 100.5 Fm The Truth reserves the right to require full, up front payment from sponsors if they are first time sponsors; their contribution total is $200 or less; the sponsor is paying for paid promotional announcements, as opposed to underwriting spots; or the sponsor has a history of not submitting previously pledged contributions in a timely manner. Any outstanding balances on previous agreements must be fulfilled prior to the authorization of any new agreements with the same sponsor, unless otherwise authorized by the General Manager. Right of Refusal WPVC 100.5 Fm The Truth reserves the right to refuse contributions from any person, organization, business or other enterprise, as deemed appropriate to promote and protect the interests of our station, the loyalty of our listeners, and the integrity of our programming.